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“The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts but of values”

Every child is born with an inborn talent often with multiple abilities. Each child is unique & learns a little differently from the other & has different interests. We need to appreciate the uniqueness of each child rather than imposing our unfilled dreams on them. A child is like a clean slate & we help in, writing on it. As teachers, we have to bring our children closer to good values. There is a great need to equip children with values of life to make them good human beings so that they aspire to become responsible & honest adults of nation.

The learning of a child begins initially in the lap of mother & then extends around the social environment as “informal-education”. The child does not remain as “a clean slate” when enters the school campus for the “formal-education”.

Every child is “unique” in terms of perception, projection & production. The school provides the tools & techniques of nurturing the child's cognition & conation potential. In fact the first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught.

We the educators do not actually train the child's mind but perfect his/her instruments of knowledge.

We do not impose knowledge to the child but help how to acquire knowledge for oneself.

The human mind is infinitely subtle & sensitive which governs the overall personality of the child. Our sincere endeavour is to work in the elusive sustenance of mind & respect the limits imposed by the fragile human body. Our prime aim of education is to help the growing soul to draw out from one's own self which is best & make it perfect for a noble use, we admit that school can be a facilitator & if it could be I may be a success.

In my years of teaching, i have learnt that young children are full of imagination & courage. In their world, the sky is the limit.

Last but not the least, it is kid's dream to dream & it is our duty to encourage & nurture their dream.

With Best Compliments

Dr. Beena Tiwari


S.J.S. Public School, Raebareli